Exercise: Anterior Tibialis Raises

When it comes to working out our legs, the anterior tibialis raise is an often overlooked exercise. This exercise targets the muscle on the front of your shin, known as the anterior tibialis muscle. It helps to strengthen and tone this muscle, which can improve overall leg function and stability.

Muscles Used:

The primary muscle targeted during this exercise is the anterior tibialis muscle (obviously), but it also works the muscles in the front of the lower leg and ankle.

Why it's important:

- Improves ankle stability: The anterior tibialis muscle plays a role in stabilizing the ankle joint, so strengthening it can improve overall ankle stability.

- Reduces risk of injury: A strong anterior tibialis muscle can help to prevent injuries such as shin splints, which are common in runners and other athletes.

- Improves balance and coordination: The anterior tibialis muscle also helps to control foot and ankle movement, which can improve balance and coordination.

How To:

To perform this exercise, you will need a step or a raised surface. Start by standing on the edge of the step with your toes hanging off the edge. Slowly raise your toes up towards your shin, hold for a moment, and then lower them back down. Repeat for several repetitions.

Personal Thoughts:

One of my favorite exercises, you can also do a light kettlebell variation that is also really good! But being in recovery, it is so important in maintaining lower body strength, and you can start it just days after starting recovery!

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