Greek God Hamstring Exercise: "Nordic Curls"

The Nordic curl is a compound exercise that targets the muscles in the back of your legs, specifically the hamstrings. This exercise is often used by athletes and weightlifters to improve their overall leg strength and power.

Muscles Used:

The primary muscle targeted during this exercise is the hamstrings, but it also works the glutes, lower back and core muscles.

Why it's important:

  • Promotes hamstring strength: The Nordic curl is an effective exercise for building strength in the hamstrings, which are often overlooked in traditional leg exercises like squats and deadlifts.
  • Reduces risk of injury: Strong hamstrings can help to prevent injuries such as strains and pulls, which are common in athletes and runners.
  • Improves athletic performance: The Nordic curl can help to improve power and explosiveness in the legs, which can be beneficial for sports and activities that require quick movements.

How To:

To perform the Nordic curl, you will need a partner or weighted object to hold your feet down (Or Band). Start by kneeling on a mat with your body in an upright position. Your partner/weighted object will hold your feet down while you lower your body towards the ground by bending at the hips and keeping your back straight. Pause at the bottom and then push back up to the starting position using your hamstrings. Repeat for several repetitions.

It's important to note that the Nordic curl can be challenging, so it's important to start with a light weight or resistance, and work your way up as you get stronger. Additionally, it's important to keep your form in check and make sure you're using your hamstrings and not your lower back to lift the weight.

Nordic Curl Partner Tutorial

Great Banded Nordic Curl Tutorial

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