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Exercise: Kettlebell Contra Oblique Press

The Kettlebell Contra Oblique Press is a compound exercise that targets the oblique muscles, as well as the shoulders, and core muscles. I love this exercise because it's great for core stability and also helps improve my terrible posture.

Muscles Used:

The primary muscle targeted during this exercise is the oblique muscles, but it also works the shoulders, triceps, and core muscles.

Why it's important:

Promotes oblique strength: is an effective exercise for building strength in the oblique muscles, which are important for stability and balance.

Improves posture: Strong oblique muscles can help to improve posture by keeping the spine in proper alignment.

Challenges the core: The Kettlebell Contra Oblique Press is a challenging exercise that requires core stability, making it a great exercise for strengthening the core.

How To:

To perform the Kettlebell Contra Oblique Press, you will need a kettlebell or a weight. Start by standing with your feet shoulder-width apart and holding the kettlebell in one hand. With the kettlebell at chest level, twist your torso towards the opposite side, press the kettlebell overhead, and then twist back to the center. Repeat for several repetitions before switching sides. Watch the link to see Bill Maeda do a perfect demo!

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